Core Values

Step by Step Christian School is a non-denominational Christian school that approaches knowledge as a means to Christian service. The best possible academic preparation leads to the best possible thinking, and in turn serves students throughout their lives as they use their knowledge in the service of God, their church, others and themselves.
Our well-rounded program is designed to benefit many different types of students. Step by Step does this by challenging each student and meeting each student at his or her level. Instruction is tailored for the needs of each child so that all students are given what they need for success in the classroom. Both gifted students and students facing challenges with regard to learning are given every opportunity to feel the confidence derived from success in our school setting.
Our approach to Christian education ensures no child is left behind. Every child advances through grade levels with every skill necessary to succeed in the next step. Every child benefits from a custom curriculum founded in care, learning, and growth.
In addition to meeting each and every student’s individual educational needs to best prepare them for future academic success, Step by Step helps students develop the strength of character to live lives of honor, integrity and fidelity to principle. Step by Step Christian School encourages our students to apply Biblical values to their own lives and to become the very best that the Lord would have them to be.